Sunday, September 23, 2012

Octodancing: Friday Fictioneers

Hi friends,
I've been away from Friday Fictioneers for several weeks while I got my arthritis pain back under control, so this week I picked my favorite photo I've missed to write about.  cheers, Laura


If you only had eight legs yourself, you would understand now much you are missing when you try to dance.  The freedom I have to move fast in any direction is awesome, if I do say so myself.  Of course, I believe in restraint and tradition so you don’t see me driving all over the place like Lulu who took that LSD the other day and made something she called a web.  Excuse me, it was just a mess.  But here you see an example of what I mean.  Isn’t it cool to turn around and make a tiny round web within one space of a bigger one?  


Unknown said...

LOL Spider on LSD? a wonderful story. thank you for stopping by my blog. i love your story. Well done, my friend.

SharonW said...

Laura, this is delightful! Who (other than you) would see a web as a record of spider choreography?