Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hi Writers! Here is the first installment of HARO input on tips for writers. I’m going to repeat the one I put in the comment below, because I don’t want anyone to miss it: Here is a tip from Melissa Hart. You may have seen her reviews of Literary Magazines in your favorite writing magazine. She has a new book coming out this fall, Gringa, a Contradictory Girlhood, so watch for it! Here is her tip: "Do you have a talent for telling a good story in just a few minutes? So many magazines publish one-page essays; at approximately 800 words, the piece leaves editors just enough room for a photo or other art. Some of my favorite markets for this type of essay are Horizon Air Magazine, High Country News, and Skirt!, but you'll find that there are hundreds of other publications that look for poignant, oftentimes humorous short essays. Don't be afraid to pitch your own photos to illustrate your essay, as well. The first photo I ever had published was a picture of a weed in Horizon Air Magazine. I'd written an essay about flunking my nature photography course, and this was the only successful picture I shot." Melissa Hart, Author/UO Journalism Teacher, Writing Blog at

And here is another tip: “So my tip to writers is to write what you know. If you have knowledge of the subject matter AND contacts who can suggest stories or serve as sources for you, you'll have much better luck getting assignments. I look forward to seeing other tips." Lisa Tibbitts, Public Relations & Marketing, +1.917.674.8060 Follow me on Twitter:

Stay tuned, there are lots more coming! Laura

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