Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Friday Fictioneers: Above the Clouds

Dear readers and writers:

I have caught the Friday Fictioneers bug.  Check out Madison Woods' blog and give it a try!  Today (Weds) she posted the picture below.  I've posted my 100 word response below the photo.  Cheers, Laura

“I don’t trust Brin.  Someone is after this list of our supporters,” said Miriam, scowling, oblivious to the cloudscape outside the blimp's windows.
“Calm yourself, enjoy the quiet up here,” growled Wulfram IV.  “We have enough problems without arguing. We need Brin with us, not with Rouxlan.” But he glanced uneasily at Cosima’s cast.  Gianni had been too badly burned destroying the first list to come along.
“She’s right, though,” said Alex, “Brin told someone.  It’s dangerous to try getting the list to him again.  I say, forget Brin.  He only has a small holding.”
There were nods all around, but everyone looked worried. There was a voice from the intercom.  "Pilot speaking.  Look down at 2 o'clock, armed troops on the march."   


theforgottenwife said...


I love when these leave me wanting more! Very well done!

Here's mine:

Lorelei said...

Thanks, theforgottenwife, i'll go read yours now.

Sandra Crook said...

You managed to cram a lot of characters, back story and action into 100 words here, with some great names too. I'm anxious to know what's going on here. Nice one.

Anonymous said...

Nice one, thanks for stopping by mine

Anonymous said...

I think this is a segment of what could be a much wider and interesting story. Good launcing point. Nicely written. My story is here:

Unknown said...

Perhaps I misread the story, but I got the impression it was about espionage.

Mine's here:

Anonymous said...

Hi logo-ligi Girl,

Some of the characters tried to sneak a list of everyone on their side in a secret war to this Brin. But the ccouries were attacked, and they had to burn the list to avoid having it get to the wrong people. So it's sort of espionage-y, yes!

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Wow there's a lot there. Good job. Thanks for commenting on mine. This Friday Fictioneers thing is a addictive for sure.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like the start of a much longer story - perhaps even a novel :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi womanontheedge and Rochelle,
I do write novels, so what I need is to shift gears here, probably. Perhaps Friday Fictioneers will teach me to simplfy if I keep at it. Increase tension, decrease characters will be my mantra for next time.

Reading Pleasure said...

Interesting take on the prompt. Thank you for the comments at my place.