Saturday, January 5, 2013

New year, new blog site for West Coast Writers

Hi readers and writers,

This blog is a continuation of the West Coast Writers blog that has been running on Blogspot for some time.  I have a new Wordpress author website and this blog is one of its pages now, connecting parts of my electronic life that used to be separate entities, thanks to Glenda Ebersole at Site-Pro.

I hope all of my literary friends have a new year full of writing, of lovely family events, of bountiful sensory experiences, and of moments of mindfulness.

I'm participating in Fiona and Kaspalita's Small Stones exercise for January and encourage you to consider it too.  Each day in January, take five or ten minutes out and intensely experience the world around you, wherever you are.  Write a sentence or two about your experience, a small stone.  I'll be posting mine here from time to time, and also on their Writing Our Way Home website.

Happy New Year!

Lorelei (Laura Hoopes)

1 comment:

Carolyn440A said...

Wishing you a joyous New Year!
This year I am resolving to write more, so you will be hearing from me more often.
All the best!