Sunday, April 26, 2009

Writing Tips Yet Again

Here's another set of good tips for writers.  I'm not reposing the same advice from different writers in general, but fresh ways to say my top two favorites I continue to post.  See if you can guess the things I have found most useful!

“The quickest way to get publicity is to be timely. So creating a media calendar for yourself can be an invaluable tool for getting publicity online. That is, writing down all the times of the year that your topic could be relevant to pitch the media in your niche market. You can even check Chase's Directory of Annual Events to see if there are any holidays that specifically relate to your topic.”  Sally Shields  and co-host, "Blurb!" www.blogtalkradio/blurb
“For non-fiction especially, think about indexing early, especially if you're going to save money by doing the index  yourself. Knowledge of what you want in your index can also help you recognize gaps and uneven coverage. Select you structure and keywords as you go through writing and editing rather than waiting to the end. That can help in consistency and balance. “ Jeff Lindsay, Director of Solution Development  Innovationedge with the forthcoming book, Conquering Innovation Fatigue by Jeff Lindsay, Cheryl Perkins, and Mukund Karanjikar (John Wiley & Sons, July 2009).
“Give yourself permission to write a first draft without regard to style, length, typos or even how much sense you’re making.  Write freely and enjoy the process without worrying about getting it perfect the first time around.  Then go back and reread what you’ve written and whittle away anything that doesn’t work for you.  Your work will begin to take shape with much less effort and you’ll end up with a much better finished product.”  Cindy Lieberman
“Write every day or as much as you possibly can.  Remember, to get to the ‘good stuff’ you have to write a lot of bad stuff.”  From Weston Lyon,
“Write Through Fear.  Mix your fear of writing up into fiction, or a great piece of non-fiction. Write down the reasons for your fear. Look at what you wrote. Create a character to work through it.  Place him/her in a setting comfortable  for you.  Or, do some research, and write about a certain fear. You'll understand the reason for your fear, and move on.” From M. Glenn Novel Link:

“Writing groups provide support, friendship, encouragement, ideas, and accountability for us writers struggling alone at our computer screens.  From my initial desire to bond with other writers, I was led to new friends, a new book, and ultimately a new career as a facilitator of women's writing groups. To overcome the solitary side of writing, take my advice and join a writing group.  And if you can't find one, create one!  Who knows the direction it will lead you?”   From Diane Owens

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