Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Friday Fictioneers: Red Berries

Hi readers and writers,
This week I am getting ready to go on an Inside Passage cruise next week, so I'm ahead of schedule. Next week I'll be away and I may not be able to post, but this week I want to participate in Madison Woods' Friday Fictioneers 100 word challenge.  If you'd like to try it, check out Madison's blog instructions here. 

Red Berries

"Don't touch those, they're poisonous," Donna hissed at me.
"Silly, they're raspberries," I replied, snickering.  I ate one while she stared at me wide-eyed.
We walked on, and I saw her sneaking a glance at me every so often, expecting me to keel over and drop dead.  Finally she asked, "How do you know they're raspberries?"
I enumerated on my fingers, "Shape, size, three leaflets per leaf, thorns, juicy when red (blackberries aren't you know.)"
"Show off," she said, flouncing off down the hill.
She asked for it, didn't she?  I will never understand girls.


Anonymous said...

Loved this! Great characterization and it was also informative. Mine's on the list but there seems to be some sort of trouble with seeing it this week so, here's mine:

Anonymous said...

Nice :). Mine is here

Douglas MacIlroy said...

Dear Lorelei,

Perfect characterization on the path among the raspberries. Flouncing used well here. It's what girls do. Loved this piece of Summer's pie.



Anonymous said...

thanks for the visit and the comment.

I agree, I will never understand girls either.

Carrie said...

Nice little scene. That lording over with knowledge is so typical of adolescent boys :)

Small critique: you used the phrase "at me" numerous times. Not huge issue in a larger work but it jumps out in such a short piece :)

Enjoy your trip. Take lots of pictures, I bet it will be gorgeous. What port are you leaving from?

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie,
Thanks for the "at me" catch. I seem to overuse certain words and phrases, and no matter how many times I read the piece, they just don't jump out. But now that you've pointed to them, boy do they jump out! Thanks,

Lorelei said...

And I'm leaving from Seattle, Carrie, forgot to include that. We have stops in Ketchican, Sitka, Juneau, etc. I can't wait!

Unknown said...

The dialogue is informative. Didn't know the difference between the two berries, to be frank.

lora said...

Yes, I see her ...flouncing down the hill... I get the impression they are teenagers and he uses his brilliant mind to lord over her. I would ...flounce down the hill...also and find a new boyfriend. lol. Lovely work. I'm on the list.

Anonymous said...

Haha..this was lovely and made me laugh too. Girls, girls...

Reading Pleasure said...

A nice and informative post. Mine is here and linked as well:

Anonymous said...

I like the dialogue - very believable. Mine is here:

Kathy said...

Sociology, botany, relationship psychology and humor, in a handful of words. Awesomely delivered.

Kathy said...

Sociology, botany, Boys vs. Girls - 101 and humor, all in a handful of words. Well delivered!

Anonymous said...

I can just see him counting it out on his fingers, and the girl watching him warily. Great job getting these characters across in so few words!

Brian (

Ilyan Kei Lavanway said...

A subtly romantic and clever story. Good work.

Anonymous said...

tiya Townes has left a new comment on your post "Friday Fictioneers: Red Berries":

I could see how him being such a brainiac would send her down the hill in a huff. What a good piece. Mine is over here:

Anonymous said...

I liked your use of 'flouncing' like most everyone else :) I could see the boy flaunting his knowledge, too, lol. Cute story.

flyoverhere said...

Wonderful and so true to life!