Thursday, June 14, 2012

Friday Fictioneers--Woods of Danger

Hi readers and writers,

Madison Woods has given us a really idyllic photo of a path in the woods this week.  100 words about this might put me to sleep.  I don't know if it's good or bad, but I seem to have a group of characters in play for the fictioneers, and they want to have a military adventure in the quiet woods.  Okay.

                                         Woods of Danger 
Five Bendizi warriors stood on the path, then they disappeared.  Cosima and Alex darted left, Miriam, Hector, and Wulfram IV dashed right. Cosima and Alex took refuge in thick brush. The others clambered high among the branches.  Tramping feet thundered louder.  The path teemed with armed changlits, marching fast, looking neither right nor left.  After they passed, the Bendizis  saw Brin and Rouxlan’s close advisor, Sevrin, cruising along the trail in an all-terrain vehicle.  Cosima feared the outcome of their conflict, now that Brin was against them.  If only the balloon had landed closer to Bendiz.  


Lura said...

A very dangerous situation for sure!

Anonymous said...

A very dangerous situation for sure! Good job!

WritersClubKL said...

i got reminded of the lion the witch and the wardrobe for some reason :) nice little tale Laura!

Lady Marilyn Kay Dennis said...

Lots of things happening here. Very exciting! Mine's here:

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fantasy reader but this is different and quite magical!

Anonymous said...

So how's it going to end - you are building tension nicely. Enjoyed it.

Here's mine:

Reading Pleasure said...

A fine adventurous thrill. Mine is here:

Kaitlin Branch said...

Uh oh. Seems like part of a larger work, but scary none the less.

theforgottenwife said...

Wow, a lot of stuff going on, but very well done. You definitely feel their urgency and their loss of hope because of the turning of their former comrade. Well done!

Here's mine:

Scott Hays said...

Lots of action and information presented here, but in a way that leaves me wanting to read more to untangle the hints and clues you have provided about what is going on. Mine is at Thanks for letting me know you grasped the underlying terror in it.

Unknown said...

Very fast paced and full of action.
If only there wasn't a word limit.
I want to know more.

Mine can be found @

Anonymous said...

Lots of characters in that 100-word space! It made the woods feel very crowded and full of strife, too, but that seems to be the point. Definitely not going to fall asleep there! Your story opens up a lot of questions. Is there a short or novel in the works with these characters?

Lorelei said...

Hi Madison,
These characters appeared in my first 100 word piece for Friday Fictioneers. They keep appearing. Maybe they want to be a short story or something! I guess time will tell.