Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Friday Fictioneers: Faucet Fancies

Hi readers and writers,

Here is my 100 word response to Madison Woods' photo prompt of this week.  If you'd like to try writing a response (it's fun!), you could go over to her blog, get inspired, and write your own 100 word piece to share and compare with the Friday Fictioneers.  Cheers, Laura

Ideas for improvement or general comments on Faucet Fancies are welcome!

“Bill, this faucet needs a new washer.  It keeps on dripping.”
“Who cares?  A little more water won’t hurt.  The strawberry plants could use more.”
“But it’s  desert and we’re wasting water and…”
Bill had folded his newspaper and left the room. 
I decided it was time to learn about drips myself, so I went to Home Depot.  A nice young man with a blond brush-cut told me what to do.  I bought a few different sizes just in case, and the wrench he recommended.
“Hey, I thought you said this dripped?”  Bill said the next morning.  
I just smirked.


Anonymous said...

Nice. Easy, straightforward language. My only suggestion is that you define what was purchased in several sizes. Being a non-plumber, I had no idea. :)

Sandra Crook said...

That's what I like - a woman of action. Nice one.

Anonymous said...

some things get done quicker when we do it ourselves eh? hehe...nice read.

Lora's ~ Journal said...

Got a good chuckle. Love her. She's a take charge woman. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

and now it's time to use the wrench and fix Bill's leaky faucet... ha

Anonymous said...

and now it's time to use the wrench and fix Bill's leaky faucet... ha

the contradictory optimist said...

fitting example for so many people. Nice story!

Anonymous said...

Good for her. Water is precious! And so is independence.

janet said...

Ha! I got a good laugh out of that. Good for her.

Reading Pleasure said...

A fine story and good take on the prompt.Mine is here:

Danny Bowman said...

I like the way this story captures a domestic moment and turns the traditional man-woman dynamic upside down.

And don't worry, I'll post on volcanoes soon :-)

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

I have a husband. Sometimes the time for asking is over and the time for learning to do it yourself is at hand. Nice take on the prompt.

Susan Wenzel said...

Hmmm...I thought she was going to pick up a new husband to replace the drip at home...along with the gaskets!

I liked this. If you want something done right, sometimes you have to do it yourself!
