Monday, February 20, 2012

Umbrellas for U-day, Feb 21, in Alphabetaphilia

Let these delicate umbrellas inspire you to find five words starting with u, use them in a sentence, post word list and sentence in the comments section below.  It's Feb 21; we're in leap year so we have 8 more days and will run out of alphabet soon.  Watch out for wild letter days!  
cheers, Laura
Photo credit: Creative Commons with thanks


Cheryl said...

umbrage, uncivilities, umpire, ululation, ushered

Taking umbrage at the batter's uncivilities, the umpire's ululation was extreme, entirely innappropriate, and absolutely unprecedented; he was ushered off the field and out of the stadium -
a pumped, bumped ump, out on his rump.

merlin said...

under, undulating, urchin, unique unicorn, ubiquitous

I reached under the undulating waters to retrieve one of the ubiquitous sea-urchins to add to my unique collection that includes a unicorn.

Lorelei said...

Ullulation, umbrella, utter, urodele, ukelele

Brian put cotton in his ears while he played the ukelele because he couldn't stand the ullulation his pet urodele had to utter when he heard the plink-plunk from his hiding place under the umbrella stand.

Anonymous said...

uncle, uncouth, usurpation, ultradian, undertake

Elizabeth couldn't undertake the usurpation as RaeVon wished because her uncouth uncle with the ultradian sleep disorder objected.


SharonW said...

umbrella, uneven, unhappy, until, upside

Until the wind blew my umbrella inside out and tore it from my hand to roll down the uneven road and land upside down in a ditch - until then, I had never been really unhappy.

Cheryl said...

umbrage, uncivilities, ululation, unprecedented, ushered

Taking umbrage at the batter's uncivilities, the umpire's ululation was extreme, entirely innappropriate and absolutely unprecedented; he was ushered off the field and out of the stadium - a pumped, bumped ump, out on his rump.